The emerging GiG Economy has created tremendous opportunities for young and old alike entrepreneurs who have gone rogue and become self-employed, no longer dependent on a pay cheque and the perks that come with the job security such as employee benefits. In doing so, you have given up traditional insurance benefits such as Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and Employee Insurance (EI) as a hired employee.
In Canada, self-employed and independent contractors who work as a Freelancer in Information, construction and the transportation industry as a Courier for Uber, Lyft and or freight drivers can no longer automatically make a claim against WSIB or EI for any form of injury on or off the job.
Alternatively, you can immediately be self-insured 24 hours / 7 days a week for as less than $7 per $700 benefits accidental injury coverage.
Basic Features
• You can work in/outside the home provided you work at least 20 hours per week
• Accidental Disability covers whether you employed or unemployed
• In the event of accident or illness it can cover you with 0 waiting period
• Lump sum benefits in the event of accidental fracture
• Monthly benefits covering a period of disability
• Benefits to cover medical expenses
• Benefits paid for each day in the hospital