The common denominator in all these emergency conditions you are being hospitalized for a while and if the prognosis worsens your hospital stay will increase and/or you succumb to your critical illness and die.
Critical illness insurance provides for a lump sum payment after a survival period beyond 30 days based upon the confirmed diagnosis of a listed critical illness in the policy a tax free benefits is paid to the survivor to help offset any costs associated with that specific illness during his/her recovery period.
There are up to a maximum of 26 defined illnesses that could be listed depending upon the type of policy you choose
Q: Who decides how much money is to be paid out?
A: The policy owner determines the lump-sum tax-free benefit that would be paid out.
Q: How is the monthly premium determined?
A: The premium is determined by several factors
• Age
• Gender
• Smoker
• Family history
• State of health
• Amount of lump sum